hiring – OCDLAB https://ocdlab.co/nl-en OCDLAB | Mobile and Web Apps | Enterprise Solutions | Games and Touch screen kiosks | Orange County, USA - OCDLAB Wed, 13 Feb 2019 10:57:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.16 To Hire, or Not to Hire https://ocdlab.co/nl-en/hire-not-hire/ Wed, 18 Apr 2018 07:58:38 +0000 https://ocdlab.co/nl-en/?p=15378 This blog is a tribute to our utter love and admiration for anything technology. Even if it is a gadget made for puppy tweets or a radio + toaster combo.

The post To Hire, or Not to Hire appeared first on OCDLAB.


To Hire, or Not to Hire

Hiring an in-house employee comes with a lot of overhead such as payroll expenses, insurance obligations, and office space or equipment. Thousands of lean startups have figured out a way to bring on a dedicated resource but without the drawbacks and big gamble of an internal employee.

It is a serious matter, but our infographic team has still managed to make it look fun. Enjoy!


The post To Hire, or Not to Hire appeared first on OCDLAB.
